Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter!!

We have had a great weekend. Here are a few pictures of Mari washing her hands, her new favorite thing. We have to lock the bathroom otherwise she would play in the water all day.

She also likes to smile for the camera and try and say cheese. This is what we get when she does it. I love it!

We dyed eggs the night before and it went better than I expected. Not to much of a mess and she listened and enjoyed it. Can't ask for much more.


This was one of my favorite CHEEESES!

Easter morning and look what the Easter Bunny brought. All kinds of great things. These were great until we discovered that he also brought a couple eggs filled with jelly beans.

Using her new chapstick or should I say eating it.

Grandma and Grandpa Keating sent Mari a golden egg to find (a family tradition of Daddy's that we are going to carry on). Here we are looking for the egg.

Here it is!

A pink beanie baby bear. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

Look at our beautiful girl. If only she always looked and acted this innocent.

Who says you need a fork to eat this.

Our friends Mark and Megan just adopted a little girl from Ethiopia. She is absolutely beautiful and we are excited for Mari to have a new girlfriend.

Our attempt at a family photo.

There was a egg hunt for the kids at church. Mari finding her first egg.

Here is another one.

She would not put the eggs in her bag.

And this is why she knew there was yummies in there.

Some of her friends, notice she is the only one that needed candy as bribe. I guess she is my child. Loves her sweets!
Mari, Polly, and Jude

All done and finally she put her eggs in the bag, but she didn't let go of the bag.

Checking out all the goods after we got home. I have had to hide all the candy including Greg's goodies.

Mari got a bunch of stickers for Easter and she loves to stick them on things and then take them off. Greg put one on her nose and she thought she got it off, but clearly not. It was so cute.

We had a great day and hope you all did as well. We miss everyone and wish we could have celebrated with you. Love you all!

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