Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some pictures since we are so behind

So I have been told that I am not keeping up on the blog often enough. I agree! So here is a mass update of pics and what has been going on.

The weather has been gorgeous until today. The snow is coming AGAIN!!

This last weekend Grandpa and Grandma Nienhouse came for a quick weekend as well as Uncle Brian and Aunt Celine. It was great to see them even though I feel like all we did was eat. It was all good food, so it was worth it. Thanks for visiting!!

As for Mari she is talking a lot, we just don't know what she is saying. I do know her newest word "NO" quite well. She is very independent and when I ask her if she needs help, it's nooo. Also, she decided a couple weekends ago that she would figure out how to get out of her crib. She woke up from a nap and we were on our way up to get her and she greeted us at the door. Thinking and hoping it was a one time deal she managed to get out again the next morning. So needless to say she is now in a toddler bed and doing better than we anticipated. We still do not know how she climbed out with no injuries or giant thuds to the ground. Oh what fun :)

I had a doctors appointment last week and everything still is looking on track. We are all ready for our new little man to come. Except we need a name, so if anyone has any good suggestions please let us know.

We took advantage of a nice day Monday, by going for a walk and then to the park later that day. Mari went on the swings and got me to take her down the slides. That was fun with a giant belly. Oh well she had a great time and that is all that mattered. I did have fun as well.
There is also a dog park next to where we were, so she wanted to go watch all the dogs. We were there for a long time. Every time I asked her if she was ready I would get a head shake and noooo. It was cute how content she was with all the dogs.
I found these pictures as well from when Grammy was here. We were making sure her Easter dress fit, but she is a diva some days and today was one of them. I love when she wears her shades.

She also loves to help in the kitchen so here she is practicing with her pretend food while mama finishes cleaning up.

Yummy look what I am eating. These are just cute pictures I couldn't pass up putting in. Don't you all agree.

Like I said before she is very independent and has to feed herself despite the mess. She is getting very good with all the utensils, so we are a little less covered at the end of a meal.

Look Daddy I am helping.

She helped stir the ingredients for the cookies and did such a great job.

Oh this is what we were making. Yum Yum. She did not let go of that spoon in the hopes she may get another bite.

Mars also loves trying to dress herself. Especially socks and shoes. Moms socks are easier to get on and more fun.

Yee Haw

We have set her potty chair out, but aren't really doing much with it. She enjoys sitting on it or throwing trash in it.

The few times we have tried it without a diaper, she sits and stands, sits and stands. Then pees on the floor. I can't wait for the actual training.

And here is why I don't like to try much, because we would rather not have a diaper on and then we try and put it back on she wants to try it herself. Oh did I say she is independent.

Playing outside with some lawn ornaments that someone left in our yard for a fundraiser.

With these nice days comes all the melting snow and mud. Mari decided to go into a giant mud puddle and fall face first into it. She stunk and went straight to the bath.

Just sledding, she still enjoys it, but is starting to want to walk more. So you can guess we don't go very far or very quickly.

Well, that should catch you up for now, we will try and be back soon.

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