Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting it all in.

As summer is sadly coming to an end, we have been trying to fit everything in that we wanted to do. So this week Greg went up North fishing with his dad and friend Ben. So the kids and went to the zoo. It was a small zoo, but perfect for their age. We went through the whole thing and had lunch in about 2 1/2 hours.

We came up to this lady holding a furry animal. My 1st thought was how neat that they will get to pet an exotic animal. Wrong!! Just an everyday opossum.

Watching the bears. I don't have pictures, but we saw all kinds of monkey as well and they all were so active. The kids loved watching them jump and play.

We got to pet some cute goats. Mari enjoyed this and Owen did for a moment and then figured the dirt was more fun.

The snakes were my least favorite, but the kids sure seemed to enjoy it. Especially watching a black one slither in and out of the water.

We finished the day with a yummy ice cream cone.

Then the weekend came and we headed to a Michigan State football game.

We went with Nana, Grandpa, Uncle Brian, and Aunt MoMo. Even though it was during nap time they were so good and had such a great time.

After the game we tailgated and enjoyed some shade.

We stayed in a hotel and went to a Tigers game the next day. It was another warm napless day, but fun nonetheless.

On Sundays after the game, kids can go and run the bases. We of course waited in the long line and took the kids. Daddy wanted out there more than any of us. It was such a cool experience.

It was such a great and exhausting weekend. Thanks Nana and Grandpa for everything.


Mark and Megan said...

looks really fun - can't wait to see you all soon.

Mark and Megan said...

looks like fun! kids are getting so big...can't wait to see you all soon!